Any questions? Get in touch: your careers contacts at MEYLE.
If you would like to know more about the requirements and general conditions for your start at MEYLE AG, please do not hesitate to contact us directly!
Your contact persons:
Mirijana Peschke
[email protected]
Contact person for the areas:
PMED, Marketing & Communication, Qualität und Ausbildung
Nina Hildebrand
[email protected]
Contact person for the areas:
Logistik, Supply Chain, OPEK, Versand, Zoll, Teamleitung, Empfang
Katja Frießlich
[email protected]
Contact person for the areas:
Ausland, Sales, Customer Service, Pricing
Isabell Soylu
[email protected]
Contact person for the areas:
IT, Controlling & FiBu, Recht, Haustechnik, BOrg, Holding, emovum
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about training at ausbildung(at)
Please submit applications only via our online portal at There you will also find the responsible contact person at the end of each job announcement.
How to find us
We are in the Merkurpark industrial estate to the east of Hamburg, close to the Hamburg-Stapelfeld junction of the A1 motorway. There are direct rail and bus links from the Hamburg-Rahlstedt station.
Map and directions to MEYLE AG
Human Resources
Merkurring 111
22143 Hamburg