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Sarah Quinn

Tel. +49 40 67506 510

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Why still replace the complete trailing arm?

Why still replace the complete trailing arm?

The new MEYLE bushing significantly facilitates trailing arm repairs on Ford Mondeo models. New MEYLE bushing design allows for separate replacement - Simpler and more cost-efficient rear axle repairs on Ford Mondeo models made from 2000-2007.
Wulf Gaertner Autoparts AG augments Board of Directors

Wulf Gaertner Autoparts AG augments Board of Directors

Marita Schwartze appointed to the Board at Hamburg manufacturer Wulf Gaertner Autoparts AG – Firm commitment to staff development and equal opportunities are the driving forces behind the family-owned business's continued success.<br />Marita Schwartze has been appointed to the Board of Directors at Wulf Gaertner Autoparts AG. The appointment formalises Marita Schwartze's role alongside Dr. Karl J. Gaertner.
The new MEYLE catalogue for all HD parts

The new MEYLE catalogue for all HD parts

For the first time an overview of all MEYLE reinforced HD parts will be presented – catalogues will be available at the Automechanika trade fair.
MEYLE PD brake disc - an eye-catching improvement

MEYLE PD brake disc - an eye-catching improvement

The surface coating protects against corrosion - salt spray test matches rusting - cross-grinding simplifies running-in – not necessary to remove grease before fitting
New MEYLE-HD stabiliser for Renault

New MEYLE-HD stabiliser for Renault

Additional corrosion protection prevents rust long-term – Top-quality alternatives now also available on the auto parts market
MEYLE HD full-rubber mount to fit BMW E39

MEYLE HD full-rubber mount to fit BMW E39

Full rubber design to replace hydro-filled mounts – no more leakages, longer part life.<br />MEYLE UK Ltd. is now offering a MEYLE HD full-rubber mount for the BMW 5 Series E39 Wagon as an alternative to hydro-filled mounts.
Pastiglie freno ulteriormente migliorate: MEYLE Platinum Pads, le piu’ alte prestazioni salvaguardando l'ambiente

Pastiglie freno ulteriormente migliorate: MEYLE…

<ul><li>I test dimostrano che le pastiglie resistono in modo ottimale a sollecitazioni estreme anche nei veicoli pesanti del segmento F e nei furgoni</li><li>Rinunciando all’uso di metalli pesanti si riduce l’inquinamento ambientale </li><li>Massimo comfort e ottime prestazioni grazie alla nuova mescola speciale</li></ul>
Wulf Gaertner Autoparts bietet Blick hinter Kulissen

Wulf Gaertner Autoparts bietet Blick hinter Kulissen

<ul> <li>Zur Langen Nacht der Industrie 2013 können Werkstätten erleben, worauf es bei Qualitätsersatzteilen ankommt</li> <li>Hamburger Hersteller setzt auf Transparenz</li> <li>Einblicke in Qualitätslabor und Logistik zeigen das Erfolgsgeheimnis der länger haltenden Teile</li> </ul>

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